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"Energy Efficiency in Households - handbook to 'sustainable living'"
KEP energy BOOK volume 2
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“Energy efficiency of a building” is the building ability of meet the users needs, limiting the energy resources consumption. A building consumes (and sometimes produces) energy, in order to assure indoor thermal conditions suitable for the users activities, that is thermal comfort. At the same time it must provide essential services, as domestic hot water. Limiting the energy resources consumption means limiting also the environmental impacts (greenhouse gases emission and natural resources consumption) and the economic impacts. The buildings account for 40% of global energy consumption in European Union.
1) “20-20-20” strategy
The European Union action in the energy and climate field has as main targets the energy dependence reduction from foreign import and the greenhouse gases emission reduction. The strategy has been launched in order to ensure the energy supply security in the medium and long term and to fulfill the committments taken at international level. The European Union has set an ambitious target for 2020, summarized in “20-20-20”. 20% greenhouse gases emission reduction, respect to the 1990 level; 20% of the gross final-energy demand fuelled from renewable energy sources; 20% energy efficiency increase.
2) Suitability of the energy efficiency
Think global, act local. From a global point of view, an energy efficient building contribute to achievement of the 2020 targets set by the European Union. From a local point of view, an energy efficient building is a benefit for the users in terms of comfort and saving. The fossil fuel prices on the global market show an increasing trend. It means that the gas and electricity bills will increase during the time. Investing in energy efficiency allows to counteract this trend, limiting the progressive increase in the bills. An investment in energy efficiency must be understood as a financial investment. The savings in the bills is the revenue.

Dati di copertina
Autore: ing. PhD Lorenzo Leoncini & KEP energy research staff
Anno di pubblicazione: 2016 / Anno di editing: 2016
Versione: english
Pagine: 45
Dimensione: A5 (14,8 x 21 cm)
Formato stampa: colori
Formato file: pdf/epub
Prezzo: € 25 (franco IVA)
(franco IVA) Operazione in franchigia da IVA ai sensi delle Legge 190 del 23 Dicembre 2014 art. 1 commi da 54 a 89. Operazione effettuata ai sensi dell’art. 1, commi da 54 a 89 della Legge n. 190/2014 – Regime forfettario. Il compenso non è soggetto a ritenute d’acconto ai sensi della Legge 190 del 23 Dicembre 2014 art. 1 comma 67. Imposta di bollo assolta sull’originale.
Modalità di pagamento: bonifico bancario anticipato. Scrivere a research.area(at)kep-energy.com per inviare i dati di fatturazione e ricevere i codici IBAN e BIC/SWIFT. A seguito della transazione l'e-book verrà inviato tramite e-mail nel formato pdf/epub desiderato. Una copia di backup sarà sempre a disposizione all'interno dell'area riservata del website www.kep-energy.com.

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