
Report vol 3 - KEP energy

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"Introduction to the concept of: "cost-optimal energy performance" "
KEP energy REPORT volume 3
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The economic parameterisation of energy performance is one of the most relevant concepts introduced by the 2010/31/EU "EPBD recast Directive" in the EU action in the building energy efficiency field. The European Commission has set ambitious climate and energy targets in 2020. This made it necessary a review of the current minum energy performance requirements for the new and existing buildings. The review must be implemented from the Member States in accordance with criteria that are cost-effective. From a conceptual point of view the building energy performance, either at component level or at system level, is translated from a one-dimension space, representing the primary energy consumption, to a two-dimension space, representing the relation between the primary energy consumption and the Net Present Value (NPV) of the global energy-related costs. These costs are assessed along the entire economic life cycle of the building.
In the spring 2012 the European Commission published the Delegated Regulation EU 244/2012, which establishes a comparative methodological framework for calculating the cost-optimal energy performance. The document distinguishes between financial calculation, were the costs are accounted as gross of taxes, and macroeconomic calculation, were the costs are accounted as net of taxes and including the CO2 extracosts. The option of take in account the CO2 extracosts is direct related to the 2050 low carbon scenarios.
The report introduces the "cost-optimality" concept, framing it whitin the EU action in the building energy efficiency field. The main methodological features are showed, particularly in relation to the standard EN 15459.

Dati di copertina
Autore: ing. PhD Lorenzo Leoncini & KEP energy research staff
Anno di pubblicazione: 2013 / Anno di editing: 2017
Versione: italian/english
Pagine: 16
Dimensione: A4 (21 x 29,7 cm)
Formato stampa: colori
Formato file: pdf/epub
Prezzo: € 19 (franco IVA)
(franco IVA) Operazione in franchigia da IVA ai sensi delle Legge 190 del 23 Dicembre 2014 art. 1 commi da 54 a 89. Operazione effettuata ai sensi dell’art. 1, commi da 54 a 89 della Legge n. 190/2014 – Regime forfettario. Il compenso non è soggetto a ritenute d’acconto ai sensi della Legge 190 del 23 Dicembre 2014 art. 1 comma 67. Imposta di bollo assolta sull’originale.
Modalità di pagamento: bonifico bancario anticipato. Scrivere a research.area(at)kep-energy.com per inviare i dati di fatturazione e ricevere i codici IBAN e BIC/SWIFT. A seguito della transazione l'e-book verrà inviato tramite e-mail nel formato pdf/epub desiderato. Una copia di backup sarà sempre a disposizione all'interno dell'area riservata del website www.kep-energy.com.

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